Building Safety Programme Letters
Letters from the Building Safety Programme, established to make sure that residents of high-rise buildings are safe and feel safe, now and in the future are available to download from the link below.
The most recent addition being:-
Letter 30 – to building control bodies regarding the application of requirement B4 of the Building Regulations 2010 – 1 July 2019.
Building Safety Programme Letters

Party Wall Act
Party Wall Act. http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/planningandbuilding/PDF/133214.PDF
The Party Wall Act deals with neighbours and boundary disputes where there is proposed building work.

Health and Safety Executive
Health and Safety Executive. http://www.hse.gov.uk
The HSE controls health and safety on building sites, whilst the Local Authority controls safety where work affects highways.

Chartered Architectural Technologists
Chartered Architectural Technologists, MCIAT, are specialists in the building design and construction with particular expertise in the sound technical performance of buildings. Chartered Members are qualified and recognised to lead a project from inception through to completion, which includes contractual, planning and regulations issues and final certification. CIAT Image Download

Water Efficiency Calculator
Details of the water calculation methodology for assessing the ‘whole-house’ water efficiency of new dwellings.
This document sets out the water calculation methodology for assessing the ‘whole-house’ water efficiency of new dwellings. The water calculator tool (Excel spreadsheet) is also available here to download.
The calculation method is to be used to assess compliance against the water performance targets in building regulations 17 K. The code for sustainable homes now uses this calculator as the assessment methodology for WAT1.
The water efficiency calculator for new dwellings: guidance
Ref: ISBN 9781409818274PDF, 241KB, 25 pages