Once you have submitted an application form to us, as a Registered Building Control Approver we are required to check the details and then submit an Initial Notice to the Local Authority, and register the work for future land searches.

The Local Authority require 5 working days for this during which building work should not start on site (otherwise our Notice will be voided and the work will return to LA control).

The application form can be accessed on our website home page.

Once you have fully completed the online application form and submitted to our admin team they will be in a position to process the application.

A Fee Quotation request can also be filled out on our website or a fee can be agreed by emailing LBC. Fees are usually based upon the complexity of the work, the cost of works and the location of the site.

A Request for Payment will be sent with your Welcome Pack detailing payment terms and procedures.

WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS – just ring our Mayfair office (0207 099 3636) or go online to make a payment.

Processing The Initial Notice (IN)

Once an IN is deposited by us to the Local Authority (LA), they will examine the details of our IN within 5 working days – the LA can reject the notice if the details are found to be incorrect. If there are no objections within this timeframe your building works can then commence on site.

Note : Initial Notices cannot be used for retrospective works or works which have already commenced and it is therefore imperative that works should not be started prior to the IN being submitted to and accepted by the LA.

Clients may also request a Plans Certificate, which means that the plans and details provided have been checked and deemed to comply with the Building Regulations. Before this can be issued, all the information required must be submitted and all the necessary consultations completed satisfactorily (i.e. with the Fire Authorities, Sewerage Undertakers, Engineers etc).

Commercial Work and Flats
The Registered Building Control Approver usually has to consult the Fire Authority regarding commercial properties, HMO’s and where flats have communal areas, undergo structural works or works to the building fabric.

New Building Or Extensions (at or below ground level)
London Building Control Ltd has to consult the Sewerage Undertaker, to ensure that there are no public sewers in the vicinity (usually within 3m). For this reason, a location plan (at a scale not less than 1:1250) needs to be sent to us to pass on to the LA and Sewerage Undertaker (usually Thames Water in and around London). For such work, the IN cannot be processed without the location plan showing the footprint of the proposed works; new buildings also need to also show the proposed connections to sewers on the site location plan.

The developer or builder should notify London Building Control at the relevant stages of building work so that inspections can be made (i.e. notifications for commencement, foundations, drains, damp proof courses, etc). However, at the first visit (which is often when foundation excavations or drains are ready for inspection) the Site Inspector will put in place a site regime for inspections.

At satisfactory conclusion of works, London Building Control will issue a Final Certificate to the LA for their records, with a copy to the client.

Note: Final certificates should be issued by LBC Ltd to the reach the LA within 4 weeks of occupation for commercial work and flats and 8 weeks for domestic work; please ensure we have the necessary documentation, so that we are in a position to issue the Final Certificate, otherwise works may revert to LA control.

Whilst setting out briefly the process of the Registered Building Control Approver service, the full statutory duties for all relevant parties should be referred to in the Building Act, Building Regulations, Registered Building Control Approver Regulations, etc.